The Serbian Literary-Philosophical Society "Philokalia"

34 Njegoseva Street, Belgrade, Serbia





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The Serbian Literal Philosophical Society “Philokalia” organized the following cultural events from November 2003 up to date at the premises of the Institute for Research of Cultural Development, in Rige of Fere Street in Belgrade:

Literary Evening and Art Exhibition  - “TWO WRITERS AND TWO PAINTERS” in three persons

(Writer and Painter Nemanja Mitrovic, Writer Mikailo Bodiroga and Painter Jasna Nikolic. Texts were read by artist Sonja Jaukovic) – 18 November 2003

Exhibition within the series devoted to Preservation of Tradition, of Master-Artist Mrs. Ljiljana Jovic-Crevar titled – “(S)COVER(ABBARD)S OF BEAUTY”Secret of Art of Book Binder’s Art and Craft – “Laboratory of Unforgotten Craft” and Exhibition titled “THE SECRET LIFE OF THE PAPER” (Japanese technique of hand made paper -  nagashuzuki) and Poetry Evening titled  “WORDS ARE PETALS OF CHERRY2000FLOWER” by the poet Vesna Furundzic – 26 December 2003   

Lecture of Professor Dr Spomenka Mujovic, within the Series devoted to Ecology topics, “IN HEALTHY SOUL HEALTHY BODY” and presentation of the products made in Traditional Way titled – “FORGOTTEN SWEETNESS OF WILD HERBS – RECEPIES FOR MEALS FROM GOD’S GARDEN” by Mrs. Mirjana Ilic, author of “The Cook Book of Wild Herbs” – 30 January 2004

• Exhibition of P h o t o g r a p h y, within Serial dedicated to Ecology topics, by Mr. Branislav Martinovic titled – HIDROKALIA – “LIQUID DIAMONDS” – Heart like Water, Water like Heart – 13 February 2004

Lecture of Professor Dr Predrag Piper “Ecology of Language” (on the occasion of the book “Serbian language between great and small ones” – “THE OVERSTRONG WORD IS IN LOVE WITH US” – Towards the Fiery Rainbow of Godmankind’s Languages – Language as Communion of Hearts of All and Everything  - and Exhibition of caricatures by Mr. Dragutin Milanovic – Gane (Personal selection of the Author – Winner of “Pjer” Award for year 2003) – “THE JOYFULL SORROW OF CARICATURES” – as Aphophatic Poetics of Dissimilar Similarity“Emperor is the most naked of all” – 12 March 2003        

Exhibition of P h o t o g r a p h y by Artist Olivera Petronijevic: “The Hug of God’s Hyper Beauty and Beauty of Man and all Creation”  - MONASTERY VRACEVSNICA – 26 March 2003

Lecture of Arch-priest Dr Ljubomir Stojanovic “Orthodoxy and Ecology”“Gift-giving of Godmankind Garden, that is Fatherland to father, from Kainian to Abelian Eco-eulogy of New Adam towards Eveningless Day of the Home of the Father of Light”and  I c o n  exhibition of a group of authors “12+” – “Icon as love letter of God to Man and Man to God in Colours” and “the hug of Created and Uncreated” 30 April 2004   

Lecture of the writer Milica Krkovic – “IN THE SEARCH OF THE LOST BEAUTY” (Inaugural lecture) -  17 May 2004

Exhibition of P h o t o g r a p h s by director Goran Vukcevic – “Voyage to the Monk’s Land” – 17 September 2004

Promotion of the M a g a z i n e  “SLOVENIANUM”, editors Natasa Kraus and Bojana Miskovic – 3 October 2004

Evening of Japanese Poetry – Presentation of the Book of Poems by Kajoko Yamasaki “HOMELAND, UBUSUNA”
26 November 2004

Njegoseva Street no.4, Banquet Hall of Hotel Park, Belgrade

• Presentation of the second issue of “Slovenianum” and  
Natasa Kraus, Dragoslav Bokan and Vladimir Medenica –
                     10 February 2005

Poetry Evening of the poet Tanja Prokopljevic – 12 February 2005


On line Photo-Exhibition 06031978 by Marija M. Jovanovic
6 March 2008